Saturday, June 4, 2011

David Aitken

Sorry for the long lapse in entries but today I feel the need to make sure that all parties involved I.E. David Aitken, Jeremy Aitken, Brad Stone, Mark Strong, and lets not forget the lovely yet talented Leah Young. Then the least famous names but still had their hand in the fraud and lies or "misrepresentation or the spreading and enabling of the filth and propaganda" that we all experienced from these fools, as well as the day to day operations Tanner Wolsey will save my comments for him and Matt on a separate post for each individual, Matt Nelson, Jamie Davis who lied to everyone about paychecks distributed nsf checks knowing that they would not clear but on a hope that the employee would just deposit in their personal account, Christine Howard, who by the way her father is a well known judge in the 4th circuit in Provo, was aware of the level and extent of fraud that was happening and meekly mentioned to the owners that what they were doing was wrong. Managements answer was they didn't care they wouldn't get caught because "No one knows how to prosecute us" yes these very words are from Mr Aitken himself. Her response to this was that she wasn't gonna stick around while it was going on but as the company's chief H.R. representative it was her duty to report it to the proper authorities and act on our best behalf as well as be the line of defense between labor and management. We are getting a little movement at the prosecutors level but still slow due to amount of information we have provided them and continue to provide. The main reason for me post today is simple. If you Google any one of the above names it is very difficult to find any association between them and their ownership, investment responsibilities, and just to cut to the chase their specific involvement with HIT WEB DESIGN. I will not stand by and allow time to separate the link of these individuals and their involvement or crimes they have committed while at HIT WEB DEIGN or simply running and hiding at ISO WEBWORKS while leaving us in their wake of greed and destruction. They may not be operating out of the building in American Fork that we have become so familiar with, but mark my words we will find them and expose them for the thief's and criminals they really are. Because ultimately if we do not do this we are enabling them to hurt others over and over. Oh ya can't forget Kevin Morrill and his brave yet fruitless attempt to paint a new face on Hit Web Design and continue to defraud people. Wonder how many more names this family has that they can continue to use to get business licenses with or stash money or write checks to family members and other individuals that were not and had not been employees at Hit Web Design. Again apologize for length of time between posts will try to make them more timely.

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