Monday, May 2, 2011

Heritage Management Services LLC

Still waiting for Leah Young to respond truthfully to the wage claim that I have filed with the state. Since the information she provided so clearly shows changes to the company policy hand book across the board there is no way they were able to notify people in a timely matter. But then again isn't that exactly the way they wanted it. They figured that if they just left a big mess in their wake it would take those investigating them forever to sift through it and get to the truth. Thank god for devices that can scan and save communication whether it be by email, phone, or regular mail. I was able to present those items to the state where not only does it prove that they lied to us employees but that they tried to lie to the state thinking that none of us would be smart enough to save those small payroll installments, or emails, and messages on our phones. It sure will be interesting what the penalty's will be for perjury after they get the judgment slapped on them for late fees and the rest of my wages.