Friday, April 8, 2011


Cant believe that these people still have their site up. I can understand making sure that people are aware that they need to get in touch with fibernet but they dont need to continue selling websites or allowing people to get a free quote. These people are in need of a lesson. Unfortunately it won't come fast enough and at this point they probably think they are getting away with it. Well reality is about to set in real quick the honey moon is over for these people. Watch them cry for mercy when they stand before the court to answer to their crimes. Oh i have diabetes I cant got to jail, or I have cancer i dont have much longer to live take pity on me. Well all I can say there were employees that had health problems or issues and when they came for help they were turned away quickly with a "I'd love to help but i just can't do anything at this time." Like i said we all need to be present at time of sentencing so we can say our piece to the judge as victims of this horrible family.

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